Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Tuesday September 9th

Hope everyone had an awesome Tuesday!

Today in math we reviewed the concepts from lesson 7 & 8. They have taken home lesson 8 homework.

The concept of this homework is rounding. Rounding to the nearest hundreds, tens, ones, tenths, hundredths, thousandths, etc. Although this may seem like a concept we as adults understand very well, the homework is asking for students to explain their thinking and put the values on a number line. They should have done #1 and #2 in class.

So for instance if we have 43.586 and they ask to round to the nearest tenth, hundredth, and whole number.

1. Have your child "decompose" the number. Similar to this:

Let's start with the nearest tenth. We know that 5 is in the tenth place when you look at your chart above or plug in to their laminated place value chart.

2. Now, they need to see how many WHOLE tenths they have in their number. It is 435, which is circled above. This is the number they are working with.

3. Place the number on a number line. Our number line is vertical rather than horizontal. Which makes sense in the fact that the numbers are increasing in value and also visually as they are moving up the number line. Our number 435 is going to be on the bottom of the number line. Then we need to decide what number goes on the top and the number in between the two. One more than 435 is 436. The number in between those numbers would be 435.5.

4. Now we look at the numbers as they are decomposed in the chart above. What number is following 435? It is an 8! So it is basically, 435.8, and that is where we draw our line on the number line. Then number the line is closest to is the number it rounds to.

5. 435 rounds to 436. So our original number rounded to the nearest tenth is 43.6.

Here is my entire page 1. The students need to explain, though I did not write explanations myself on this page.

On the back, number 3, the number lines are filled in and shown. What the students need to do is fill in the numbers in between and determine which numbers would round down to 18.6 and which would round up to 18.6.

Every post will not be this detailed. It really just depends on the lesson. I hope everything is going well tonight!

Don't forget 20 minutes of A.R. each night : )

Mrs. C

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